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Les gagnants du Golden Geek Awards 2019 chez BGG (wingspan remporte presque tout…)

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Jeu de l'année
Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant Paladins of the West Kingdom et Tapestry

Jeu pour 2 joueurs
Gagnant: Watergate
Devant: Undaunted: Normandy & Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes

Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant PARKS & Tapestry

Jeu de cartes
Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant: The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine & Marvel Champions: The Card Game

jeu coopératif
Gagnant: The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
Devant Marvel Champions: The Card Game & The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Gagnant: Wingspan: European Expansion
devant The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches & Terraforming Mars: Turmoil

Jeu familial
Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant Azul: Pavillon d'été et Tiny Towns

Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant: The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine & Wavelength

Party Game
Gagnant: Wavelength
Devant: Letter Jam & Men at Work

Print Play
Gagnant: TINYforming Mars
Devant: Under Falling Skies: A 9-Card Print-and-Play Game & Roll Estate

Jeu Solo
Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant Marvel Champions: The Card Game & Twice As Clever

Jeu stratégique
Gagnant: Wingspan
Devant Maracaibo & Paladins of the West Kingdom

Jeu thématique:
Gagnant: Dune
Devant Star Wars: Outer Rim & The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Gagnant: Undaunted: Normandy
Devant: UBOOT: The Board Game & Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes

Gagnant: Heavy Cardboard
devant So Very Wrong About Games & The No Pun Included Podcast

meilleure application mobile
Gagnant: Through the Ages – New Leaders & Wonders
Devant: Raiders of the North Sea & Twice As Clever – Doppelt So Clever


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